Table of Contents:
  • note: founders of ethology and the problem of animal subjective experience / Richard W. Burkhardt, Jr.
  • Pt. I Philosophy and Animal Consciousness
  • 1 Fighting against umbrellas: An essay on consciousness / Wim J. van der Steen
  • 2. Conscientiousness and consciousness. How to make up our minds about the animal mind? / Jan Vorstenbosch
  • 3. Awareness, self-awareness and perception: An essay on animal consciousness / Monica Meijsing
  • 4. Less is different: Discontinuity between animal and human consciousness / Susanne Lijmbach
  • 5. Investigating the animal's point of view. An enquiry into a subject-based method of measurement in the field of animal welfare / Francoise Wemelsfelder
  • Pt. II Science and Animal Consciousness
  • 6. emotional vertebrate / Piet R. Wiepkema
  • 7. Animal welfare? An ethological contribution to the understanding of emotions in pigs / Francien H. de Jonge
  • 8. Suffering and well-being and the study of behaviour / Jeroen van Rooijen
  • 9. myth of animal suffering / Bob Bermond
  • 10. Reflections on the organisation of mind, brain and behaviour / Ruud van den Bos
  • Pt. III Ethics and Animal Consciousness
  • 11. Psychological complexity and animal ethics: Choosing between hierarchy and equality / Esteban Rivas
  • 12. Animal ethics or the conscious control of the Umwelt / Tjard de Cock Buning
  • 13. Consciousness, science and conscience / F. Jan Grommers
  • 14. Animal welfare, public policy and ethics / Frans W. A. Brom
  • 15. view of intrinsic value not based on animal consciousness / Henk Verhoog / Thijs Visser
  • Epilogue: Dutch Research on animal consciousness and ethics / Rob de Vries.
  • The founders of ethology and the problem of animal subjective experience / Richard W. Burkhardt, Jr.
  • Pt. I Philosophy and Animal Consciousness
  • 1. Fighting against umbrellas: An essay on consciousness / Wim J. van der Steen
  • 2. Conscientiousness and consciousness. How to make up our minds about the animal mind? / Jan Vorstenbosch
  • 3. Awareness, self-awareness and perception: An essay on animal consciousness / Monica Meijsing
  • 4. Less is different: Discontinuity between animal and human consciousness / Susanne Lijmbach
  • 5. Investigating the animal's point of view. An enquiry into a subject-based method of measurement in the field of animal welfare / Francoise Wemelsfelder
  • Pt. II. Science and Animal Consciousness
  • 6. The emotional vertebrate / Piet R. Wiepkema
  • 7. Animal welfare? An ethological contribution to the understanding of emotions in pigs / Francien H. de Jonge
  • 8. Suffering and well-being and the study of behaviour / Jeroen van Rooijen
  • 9. The myth of animal suffering / Bob Bermond
  • 10. Reflections on the organisation of mind, brain and behaviour / Ruud van den Bos
  • Pt. III. Ethics and Animal Consciousness
  • 11. Psychological complexity and animal ethics: Choosing between hierarchy and equality / Esteban Rivas
  • 12. Animal ethics or the conscious control of the Umwelt / Tjard de Cock Buning
  • 13. Consciousness, science and conscience / F. Jan Grommers
  • 14. Animal welfare, public policy and ethics / Frans W. A. Brom
  • 15 A view of intrinsic value not based on animal consciousness / Henk Verhoog and Thijs Visser
  • Epilogue: Dutch Research on animal consciousness and ethics / Rob de Vries.