Table of Contents:
  • pt. 1 A history. The evolution of the American sexual "establishment" ; The evolution of the homosexual in the American novel- Melville to Baldwin ; The homosexual character on the stage
  • pt. 2. Four archetypes of the homosexual couple. Adolescents ; Teacher and pupil ; The captain and soldier ; The white and the black
  • pt. 3. Homosexuality and the theater. Tennessee Williams: theater as psychotherapy ; William Inge: "homosexual spite" in action ; Edward Albee: homosexual playwright in spite of himself
  • pt. 4. The circumstances of the homosexual as reflected in the novel and theater. Small town and big city ; Three categories of homosexual ; Between the American woman and the American virile ideal
  • pt. 5. Latent homosexuality: short of and beyond true heterosexuality. Henry James: the feminine masochist syndrome ; Francis Scott Fitzgerald: self-virilization and its failure ; The feminine-masochist temperament in certain Jewish characters ; Jack London: the hypervirile syndrome ; Ernest Hemingway: the (almost) total sublimation of the homosexual instinct ; Norman Mailer: the overt latent homosexual
  • Conclusion: Another country.