Table of Contents:
  • Conditional lethal mutations
  • Mutation I : the nature of mutations
  • Mutation II : nonsense mutations
  • Mutations III : origin of mutations and their correction
  • Suppressors
  • Regulation I
  • Regulation II
  • Site-specific recombination
  • Transposition
  • Atomic genetics
  • Protein targeting
  • Regulations at the membrane : transmembrane signaling and cell division
  • Genetics and social issues
  • Sess. 1 Conditional Lethal Mutations. 1. Some recent studies bearing on the one gene-one enzyme hypothesis / N.H. Horowitz and U.R.S. Leupold. 2. Conditional lethals / R.S. Edgar. 3. Amber mutations of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase / S.J. Austin, I.P.B. Tittawella, R.S. Hayward and J.G. Scaife. 4. Mutants of Escherichia coli thermosensitive for the synthesis of transfer RNA / P. Schedl and P. Primakoff. 5. Isolation of an E. coli strain with a mutation affecting DNA polymerase / P. DeLucia and J. Cairns. 6. A conditional lethal mutant of Escherichia coli K12 defective in the [actual symbol not reproducible] exonuclease associated with DNA polymerase I. / E.B. Konrad and I.R. Lehman. 7. Method for determining whether a gene of Escherichia coli is essential: Application to the polA gene / C.M. Joyce and N.D.F. Grindley
  • Sess. 2. Mutation I: The Nature of Mutations. 1. The difference between spontaneous and base-analogue induced mutations of phage T4 / E. Freese. 2. The theory of mutagenesis / S. Brenner, L. Barnett, F.H.C. Crick and A. Orgel. 3. General nature of the genetic code for proteins / F.H.C. Crick, L. Barnett, S. Brenner and R.J. Watts-Tobin. 4. Frameshift mutations in the lactose operon of E. coli / M.H. Malamy. 5. The galactose operon of E. coli K-12. I. Structural and pleiotropic mutations of the operon / S. Adhya and J. Shapiro. 6. Mutations caused by the insertion of genetic material into the galactose operon in Escherichia coli / J.A. Shapiro. 7. Some properties of insertion mutations in the lac operon. The Lactose Operon / M.H. Malamy
  • Sess. 3. Mutation II: Nonsense Mutations. 1. A change from nonsense to sense in the genetic code / S. Benzer and S.P. Champe. 2. Phase shifting of amber and ochre mutants / S. Brenner and A.O.W. Stretton. 3. Genetic code: The "nonsense" triplets for chain termination and their suppression / S. Brenner, A.O.W. Stretton and S. Kaplan. 4. Co-linearity of the gene with the polypeptide chain / A.S. Sarabhai, A.O.W. Stretton, S. Brenner and A. Bolle. 5. Genetic studies of the lac repressor. III. Additional correlation of mutational sites with specific amino acid residues / C. Coulondre and J.H. Miller. 6. Genetic studies of the lac repressor. IV. Mutagenic specificity in the lacI gene of Escherichia coli / C. Coulondre and J.H. Miller
  • Sess. 4. Mutation III: Origin of Mutations and Their Correction. 1. The origin of mutants / J. Cairns, J. Overbaugh and S. Miller. 2. The mutY gene: A mutator locus in Escherichia coli that generates [actual symbol not reproducible] transversions / Y. Nghiem, M. Cabrera, C.G. Cupples and J.H. Miller. 3. Further characterization of a non-essential mutator gene in Escherichia coli K-12 / R.H. Hoess and D.P. Fan. 4. Escherichia coli mutator mutants deficient in methylation-instructed DNA mismatch correction / B.W. Glickman and M. Radman. 5. Molecular basis of base substitution hotspots in Escherichia coli / C. Coulondre, J.H. Miller, P.J. Farabaugh and W. Gilbert. 6. DNA-damaging agents stimulate gene expression at specific loci in Escherichia coli / C.J. Kenyon and G.C. Walker
  • Sess. 5. Suppressors. 1. Restoration of operon activity by suppressors / J.R. Beckwith. 2. A deletion analysis of the lac operator region in Escherichia coli / J.R. Beckwith. 3. Conditional-lethal mutations that suppress genetic defects in morphogenesis by altering structural proteins / J. Jarvik and D. Botstein. 4. Interaction of the cheC and cheZ gene products is required for chemotactic behavior in Escherichia coli / J.S. Parkinson and S.R. Parker. 5. Suppressor mutations that restore export of a protein with a defective signal sequence / S.D. Emr, S. Hanley-Way and T.J. Silhavy. 6. PrIA is important for the translocation of exported proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli / K.L. Bieker and T.J. Silhavy. 7. Mutations in the gene for EF-G reduce the requirement for 4.5S RNA in the growth of E. coli / S. Brown
  • Sess. 6. Regulation I. 1. The genetic control and cytoplasmic expression of "inducibility" in the synthesis of [Beta]-galactosidase by E. coli / A.B. Pardee, F. Jacob and J. Monod. 2. The operon: A group of genes whose expression is coordinated by an operator / F. Jacob, D. Perrin, C. Sanchez and J. Monod. 3. The promoter, a genetic element necessary for the expression of an operon / F. Jacob, A. Ullman and J. Monod. 4. Mutational alteration of the maximal level of lac operon expression / J.G. Scaife and J.R. Beckwith. 5. An analysis of "revertants" of a deletion mutant in the C gene of the L-arabinose gene complex in Escherichia coli B/r: Isolation of initiator constitutive mutants (I[superscript c]) / E. Englesberg, D. Sheppard, C. Squires and F. Meronk, Jr. 6. Dominant constitutive mutations in malT, the positive regulator gene of the maltose regulon in Escherichia coli / M. Debarbouille, H.A. Shuman, T.J. Silhavy and M. Schwartz
  • Sess. 7. Regulation II. 1. Regulation of repressor expression in [lambda] / H. Eisen, P. Brachet, L. Pereira da Silva and F. Jacob. 2. A control element within a structural gene: The gal operon of Escherichia coli / M.H. Irani, L. Orosz and S. Adhya. 3. An operator at -280 base pairs that is required for repression of araBAD operon promoter: Addition of DNA helical turns between the operator and promoter cyclically hinders repression / T.M. Dunn, S. Hahn, S. Ogden and R.F. Schlief. 4. The region between the operator and first structural gene of the tryptophan operon of Escherichia coli may have a regulatory function / E.N. Jackson and C. Yanofsky. 5. Genetic analysis of the histidine operon control region of Salmonella typhimurium / H.M. Johnston and J.R. Roth. 6. DNA sequence changes of mutations altering attenuation control of the histidine operon of Salmonella typhimurium / H.M. Johnston and J.R. Roth
  • Sess. 8. Site-specific Recombination. 1. Integration-negative mutants of bacteriophage Lambda / M.E. Gottesman and M.B. Yarmolinsky. 2. Attachment site mutants of bacteriophage Lambda / M. Shulman and M. Gottesman. 3. Retroregulation of the int gene of bacteriophage [lambda]: Control of translation completion / D. Schindler and H. Echols. 4. A novel role for site-specific recombination in maintenance of bacterial replicons / S. Austin, M. Ziese and N. Sternberg. 5. Phase variation in Salmonella / J. Lederberg and T. Iino. 6. Phase variation of flagellar antigens in Salmonella: Abortive transduction studies / U.B. Pearce and B.A.D. Stocker. 7. Phase variation: Genetic analysis of switching mutants / M. Silverman and M. Simon
  • Sess. 9. Transposition. 1. Mutagenesis by insertion of a drug-resistance element carrying an inverted repetition / N. Kleckner, R.K. Chan, B.-K. Tye and D. Botstein. 2. Molecular model for the transposition and replication of bacteriophage Mu and other transposable elements / J.A. Shapiro. 3. Genetic evidence that Tn10 transposes by a nonreplicative mechanism / J. Bender and N. Kleckner. 4. IS10 transposition is regulated by DNA adenine methylation / D. Roberts, B.C. Hoopes, W.R. McClure and N. Kleckner. 5. Insertion of DNA activates the cryptic bgl operon in E. coli K12 / A.E. Reynolds, J. Felton and A. Wright
  • Sess. 10. Atomic Genetics. 1. Mutations in [lambda] repressor's amino-terminal domain: Implications for protein stability and DNA binding / M.H. Hecht, H.C.M. Nelson and R.T. Sauer. 2. Bacteriophage [lambda] cro mutations: Effects on activity and intracellular degradation / A.A. Pakula, V.B. Young and R.T. Sauer. 3. Mutations that alter the DNA sequence specificity of the catabolite gene activator protein of E. coli / R.H. Ebright, P. Cossart, B. Gicquel-Sanzey and J. Beckwith. 4. A new specificity mutant of 434 repressor that defines an amino acid-base pair contact / R.P. Wharton and M. Ptashne. 5. Isolation of point mutations that affect the folding of the H chain of human ferritin in E. coli / A. Luzzago and G. Cesareni.
  • 6 The use of double mutants to detect structural changes in the active site of the tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (Bacillus stearothermophilus) / P.J. Carter, G. Winter, A.J. Wilkinson and A.F. Fersht
  • Sess. 11. Protein Targeting. 1. Mutations altering the cellular localization of the phage [lambda] receptor, an Escherichia coli outer membrane protein / S.D. Emr, M. Schwartz and T.J. Silhavy. 2. Sequence analysis of mutations that prevent export of [lambda] receptor an Escherichia coli outer membrane protein / S.D. Emr, J. Hedgpeth, J.-M. Clement, T.J. Silhavy and M. Hofnung. 3. Importance of secondary structure in the Signal sequence for protein secretion / S.D. Emr and T.J. Silhavy. 4. Role of positive charge on the amino-terminal region of the signal peptide in protein secretion across the membrane / S. Inouye, X. Soberon, T. Franceschini, K. Nakamura, K. Itakura and M. Inouye. 5. A genetic approach to analyzing membrane protein topology / C. Manoil and J. Beckwith. 6. E. coli mutant pleiotropically defective in the export of secreted proteins / D.B. Oliver and J. Beckwith. 7. The antifolding activity of SecB promotes the export of the E. coli maltose-binding protein / D.N. Collier, V.A. Bankaitis, J.B. Weiss and P.J. Bassford, Jr.
  • Sess. 12. Regulation at the Membrane: Transmembrane Signaling and Cell Division. 1. Genetic analysis of the ompB locus in Escherichia coli K-12 / M.N. Hall and T.J. Silhavy. 2. Conserved domains in bacterial regulatory proteins that respond to environmental stimuli / C.W. Ronson, B.T. Nixon and F.M. Ausubel. 3. Cholera toxin transcriptional activator ToxR is a transmembrane DNA binding protein / V.L. Miller, R.K. Taylor and J.J. Mekalanos. 4. Transmembrane signaling by bacterial chemoreceptors: E. coli transducers with locked signal output / P. Ames and J.S. Parkinson. 5. Analysis of mutations in the transmembrane region of the aspartate chemoreceptor in Escherichia coli / K. Oosawa and M. Simon. 6. Partition of unit-copy miniplasmids to daughter cells II. The partition region of miniplasmid P1 encodes an essential protein and a centromere-like site at which it acts / S. Austin and A. Abeles. 7. A division inhibitor and a topological specificity factor coded for by the minicell locus determine proper placement of the division septum in E. coli / P.A.J. de Boer, R.E. Crossley and L.I. Rothfield
  • Sess. 13. Genetics and Social Issues. 1. Should the history of science be rated X? / S.G. Brush. 2. What makes a scientist cheat? / S.E. Luria. 3. Genetics, eugenics and class struggle / G. Allen. 4. Genes and the Nobel Prize. Eugenics in the United States / F. Jacob. 5. The new human genetics: Mapping inherited diseases / E. Lander. 6. Impact of genetic manipulation on society and medicine / A. Motulsky. 7. Scientific community / H. Echols. 8. Towards a liberated research environment / Thimann Laboratory Group.