The Hutchinson dictionary of world history

Companion to world history, ranging from the early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and China to the Balkan states and ex-Soviet republics

Bibliographic Details
Format: Book
Published: Abingdon, Oxon : Helicon Publishing, [2006]
Table of Contents:
  • Intro
  • The Hutchinson Dictionary of World History
  • Preface
  • Table of contents
  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X
  • Y
  • Z
  • Abbadid dynasty (lived 11th century)
  • Abbas II (1874-1944)
  • also known as Abbas Hilmi Pasha
  • Abbas I, the Great (c. 1571-1629)
  • Abbasid dynasty
  • Abd al-Hamid II (1842-1918)
  • Abd al-Karim (1880-1963)
  • also known as Abd al-Karim el-Khettabi
  • Abd Allah (1846-1899)
  • also known as Abd Allah ibn Muhammad at-Tai'shi
  • Abd al-Malik Ibn Marwan (647-705)
  • abdication crisis
  • Abdullah, Sheikh Muhammad (1905-1982)
  • Abdullah ibn Hussein (1882-1951)
  • Abdullah ibn Hussein (1962- )
  • Abelard, Peter (1079-1142)
  • French Pierre Abélard
  • Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen (1784-1860)
  • ABM
  • abolitionism
  • Aboukir Bay, Battle of
  • or the Battle of the Nile
  • Abraham, Plains of
  • absolutism
  • or absolute monarchy
  • Abu Simbel
  • Abyssinia
  • Achaea (or Achaia)
  • Achaean League
  • Achaemenid dynasty
  • Acheson, Dean (Gooderham) (1893-1971)
  • Acre
  • acropolis
  • (Greek 'high city')
  • Action Française
  • Actium, Battle of
  • Adams, John (1735-1826)
  • Adams, John Quincy (1767-1848)
  • Adams, Samuel (1722-1803)
  • Addington, Henry, 1st Viscount Sidmouth (1757-1844)
  • Adelaide (1792-1849)
  • Aden
  • Arabic 'Adan
  • history
  • Adenauer, Konrad (1876-1967)
  • admiral
  • Admiralty, Board of the
  • Adrian IV (c. 1100-1159)
  • born Nicholas Breakspear
  • Adrianople
  • Adwa, Battle of
  • Aegean civilization
  • Aetolia
  • affirmative action
  • Afghanistan
  • government
  • history
  • independence as a monarchy: 1919-73
  • republic and Soviet influence: 1973-79
  • Soviet invasion and control: 1979-89
  • battle for control over Afghanistan: 1989-92
  • the Mujahedin in power: 1992-96
  • 1st Earl Alexander of Tunis
  • Alexander
  • Alexander III (died 1181)
  • born Orlando Bandinelli
  • Alexander VI (1430 or 1432-1503)
  • born Rodrigo Borgia or Rodrigo Borja
  • Alexander
  • Alexander I (1777-1825)
  • Alexander II (1818-1881)
  • Alexander III (1845-1894)
  • Alexander
  • Alexander I (c. 1078-1124)
  • Alexander II (1198-1249)
  • Alexander III (1241-1286)
  • Alexander I, Karageorgevich (1888-1934)
  • Alexander Nevski, St (1220-1263)
  • Alexander Severus (AD 208-235)
  • born Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander
  • Alexander (III) the Great (356-323 BC)
  • Alexander the Great
  • Alexandra Feodorovna (1872-1918)
  • Alexandria
  • or El Iskandarîya
  • history
  • Alexandria, Library of
  • Alexandria, school of
  • Alexius
  • Alexius I, Comnenus (1048-1118)
  • Alexius III, Angelos (died 1210)
  • Alexius IV, Angelos (1182-1204)
  • Alfonso
  • Alfonso VII (c. 1107-1157)
  • Alfonso (X), the Wise (1221-1284)
  • Alfonso (XI), the Avenger (1311-1350)
  • Alfonso XII (1857-1885)
  • Alfonso XIII (1886-1941)
  • Alfred the Great (c. 849-c. 901)
  • Algeciras Conference
  • Algeria
  • government
  • history
  • French colonization
  • struggle for independence
  • Chadli's presidency
  • military rule
  • mounting civil strife
  • opposition proposals rejected
  • Algiers, Battle of
  • Ali (c. 598-661)
  • Ali Pasha, Mehmed Emin (1815-1871)
  • Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman (1861-1936)
  • 1st Viscount Allenby
  • Allende (Gossens), Salvador (1908-1973)
  • Allies, the
  • Almohad
  • Almoravid
  • Altamira
  • Alva, Ferdinand Alvarez de Toledo (1508-1582)
  • Duke of Alva or Alba
  • Alvarado, Pedro de (c. 1485-1541)
  • Amal
  • Amalekite
  • Amanullah Khan (1892-1960)
  • Amenhotep
  • Amenhotep III (1391-1353 BC)
  • American Civil War
  • American Federation of Labor
  • in full American Federation of Laborand Congress of Industrial Organizations, (AFL-CIO)
  • American Revolution
  • Antiochus II (c. 286-c. 246 BC)
  • Antiochus (III) the Great (c. 241-187 BC)
  • Antiochus IV (c. 215-164 BC)
  • Antiochus VII (c. 159-129 BC)
  • Antiochus XIII (lived 1st century BC)
  • anti-Semitism
  • Antonescu, Ion (1886-1946)
  • Antonine Wall
  • Antoninus Pius, Titus Aurelius Fulvus (AD 86-161)
  • Anzac
  • acronym for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
  • Anzio, Battle of
  • Apache
  • (Apache 'fighting men')
  • leadership
  • wars
  • APC
  • Apis
  • appeasement
  • Appomattox Court House
  • Aquinas, St Thomas (1225-1274)
  • Arab-Israeli Wars
  • first Arab-Israeli War
  • second Arab-Israeli War
  • third Arab-Israeli War, the Six-Day War
  • fourth Arab-Israeli War, the October War or Yom Kippur War
  • fifth Arab-Israeli War
  • events in the 1990s
  • Arafat, Yassir (1929-2004)
  • born Muhammad Yassir Abdul-Ra'ouf Arafat As Qudwa al-Husseini
  • Arakan
  • or Rakhine
  • Ara Pacis
  • (Latin 'altar of peace')
  • Arapaho
  • (Arapaho 'trader')
  • Arawak
  • Arbenz Guzmán, Jácobo (1913-1971)
  • Arc de Triomphe
  • archaeology
  • (Greek archaia 'ancient things', logos 'study')
  • history
  • related disciplines
  • archive
  • archon
  • (Greek 'ruler')
  • Arendt, Hannah (1906-1975)
  • Argentina
  • government
  • history
  • the first European settlements
  • Spanish colonial rule
  • the struggle for independence
  • the early republic
  • territorial wars
  • the dispute with Chile
  • the early 20th century: prosperity and reform
  • the overthrow of the Radicals
  • Argentina in World War II
  • the rise of Péron
  • Perón's first presidency
  • Argentina since the 1950s
  • the return of Perón
  • the rule of Isabel Perón
  • Videla and the 'dirty war'
  • the Falklands conflict
  • Alfonsín's reforms and investigations
  • Menem tackles high inflation
  • Menem's constitutional reforms approved
  • access to the Falklands regained
  • Rúa comes to power
  • Menem arrested
  • British prime minister visits
  • or War of American Independence
  • The American Revolution
  • reasons for revolution
  • the settlement of North America
  • the seeds of unrest
  • the Declaration of Independence
  • British overconfidence and American victory
  • the adoption of the Constitution of 1787
  • the repercussions of the American Revolution
  • American Revolution: key dates
  • Amin (Dada), Idi (1925-2003)
  • Ammonite
  • Amorites
  • amphitheatre
  • (Greek amphi 'around')
  • Amritsar Massacre
  • or Jallianwalah Bagh massacre
  • Amsterdam Treaty
  • ancien régime
  • Andorra
  • government
  • history
  • emergence of democracy
  • democratic elections
  • Andrássy, Gyula (1823-1890)
  • Count Andrássy
  • Andropov, Yuri (1914-1984)
  • Angevin
  • Angkor
  • Angle
  • Anglo-American War
  • Anglo-Irish Agreement
  • or Hillsborough Agreement
  • Anglo-Saxon
  • Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
  • Angola
  • government
  • history
  • republic
  • Lusaka Agreement
  • fighting resumes after free elections
  • escalation of hostilities
  • peace treaty
  • Anjou
  • Anna Comnena (1083-after 1148)
  • Annales school
  • or total history
  • Annam
  • Anne (1665-1714)
  • Anne of Austria (1601-1666)
  • Anne of Cleves (1515-1557)
  • Anne of Denmark (1574-1619)
  • anno Domini
  • (Latin 'in the year of our Lord')
  • Anschluss
  • (German 'union')
  • Anson, George (1697-1762)
  • 1st Baron Anson
  • Antall, József (1932-1993)
  • antebellum
  • (Latin ante bellum 'before the war')
  • Anthony, Susan B(rownell) (1820-1906)
  • anthropology
  • (Greek anthropos 'man', logos 'discourse')
  • biological anthropology
  • social anthropology
  • participant observation
  • antibiotic
  • anticlericalism
  • Anti-Corn Law League
  • Antigonus (382-301 BC)
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • government
  • history
  • independence from Britain
  • ruling ALP retains hold on power
  • Antioch
  • Antiochus
  • Antiochus I (c. 324-c. 261 BC)
  • the Taliban in power: 1996-2001
  • overthrow of the Taliban in 2001
  • rebuilding the country from 2002
  • natural disasters
  • Afghanistan War
  • Afghan Wars
  • Afonso I (1094-1185)
  • African nationalism
  • Africa, the scramble for
  • Bismarck intervenes
  • Afrika Korps
  • Agadir Incident
  • or the Second Moroccan Crisis
  • Agent Orange
  • Agincourt, Battle of
  • the battle
  • agitprop
  • (Russian 'agitation propaganda')
  • agora
  • agrarian revolution
  • causes of improvement
  • new crops
  • four-course rotation
  • livestock farming
  • Agricola, Gnaeus Julius (40-93)
  • agricultural revolution
  • agriculture, 19th-century British
  • Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius (c. 63-12 BC)
  • Ahab (c. 875-854 BC)
  • Ahasuerus
  • Persian Khshayarsha, Greek Xerxes
  • Ahmad Shah Durrani (1724-1773)
  • aide-de-camp
  • ADC
  • (French 'camp assistant')
  • Aidid, Muhammad Farah (1936-1996)
  • aircraft carrier
  • air force
  • history
  • air raid
  • Akbar, Jalal ud-Din Muhammad (1542-1605)
  • Akhenaton (or Ikhnaton)
  • Akhetaton
  • Akkad
  • Akko
  • formerly Acre
  • New Testament Ptolemais
  • Aksum
  • or Axum
  • Alamein, El, battles of
  • Alamo, the
  • Alanbrooke, Alan Francis Brooke (1883-1963)
  • 1st Viscount Alanbrooke
  • Alaric (c. 370-410)
  • Albania
  • government
  • history
  • independence
  • the 'Hoxha experiment'
  • open dissent
  • end of one-party system
  • civil unrest
  • first multiparty elections
  • economic problems
  • first noncommunist leaders
  • Albert, Prince Consort (1819-1861)
  • Albert I (1875-1934)
  • Albion
  • Albuquerque, Afonso de (1453-1515)
  • Alcazarquivir, Battle of
  • Alcibiades (451/0-404/3 BC)
  • Alcock, John William (1892-1919)
  • Alcuin (735-804)
  • born Flaccus Albinus Alcuinus
  • Aldermaston
  • Alemanni (or Alamanni)
  • (Gothic 'united men' or 'men from all parts')
  • Alexander, Harold Rupert Leofric George (1891-1969)