Table of Contents:
  • Applications of Short Bunches / C. Pellegrini
  • Recent Results of the CLIC Test Facility / H. Braun
  • Subpicosecond Compression Experiments at Los Alamos National Laboratory / B. E. Carlsten, D. W. Feldman, J. M. Kinross-Wright, M. L. Milder, S. J. Russell, J. G. Plato, B. A. Sherwood, M. E. Weber, R. G. Cooper and R. E. Sturges
  • Bunch Compression at the Stanford Linear Collider / R. L. Holtzapple, F.-J. Decker and C. Simopoulos
  • Correcting M[subscript 56] and T[subscript 566] to Obtain Very Short Bunches at CEBAF / G. A. Krafft
  • Phase Space Bifurcation Observed in Modeling a CW Photocathode FEL Injector at CEBAF / H. Liu
  • Electron Micro-Bunch Generation from RF Photoinjectors / L. Serafini, R. Zhang and C. Pellegrini
  • NLC Electron Injector Beam Dynamics / A. D. Yeremian and R. H. Miller
  • Compensation of Longitudinal Nonlinearities in the NLC Bunch Compressor / F. Zimmermann and T. O. Raubenheimer
  • Summary of the Linac Working Group / T. O. Raubenheimer
  • Issues and State of the Art for Short Bunches in [actual symbol not reproducible] Storage Rings / J. B. Murphy
  • Collective Effects in Storage Rings with Micro Bunches / K. Oide
  • The Short-Range Resistive Wall Wakefields / K. L. F. Bane and M. Sands
  • Experimental Results on Low Alpha Electron-Storage Rings / D. Robin, H. Hama and A. Nadji
  • Stimulated Emissions in the Exact Circular Electron Storage Ring / H. Yamada
  • Low Alpha Experiments at the ALS / D. Robin, R. Alvis, A. Jackson, R. Holtzapple and B. Podobedov
  • Longitudinal Potential Well Distortion Due to the Synchrotron Radiation Wakefield / K. Bane, S. Krinsky and J. B. Murphy
  • First Result on Very Stable Micro Bunches Confirming the Possibility of Generation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation / M. Bergher
  • Stability Criterion for Intense Electron Bunches in an Inductive Turbulent Regime / G. Besnier, J. L. Laclare and C. Limborg
  • Microbunching in Storage Ring FELs / B. Burnham, V. N. Litvinenko, J. M. J. Madey and Y. Wu
  • Wakefield Focusing: New RF Technology for Electron Storage Rings / A. Burov and A. Gerasimov
  • Single-Bunch Collective Effects in the Advanced Light Source / J. M. Byrd, R. Holtzapple and B. Podobedov
  • ESRF Experience Relevant to the Production of Short Intense Electron Bunches in Storage Rings / L. Farvacque, T. Gunzel, J. L. Laclare, C. Limborg, A. Ropert and U. Weinrich
  • Bunch Heating by Coherent Synchrotron Radiation / S. A. Heifets and M. Zolotorev
  • Interaction Regions for a Muon Collider / C. Johnstone and K.-Y. Ng
  • Design of the Muon Collider Isochronous Storage Ring Lattice / D. Trbojevic, K. Y. Ng, E. D. Courant, S. Y. Lee, C. Johnstone, J. Gallardo, R. Palmer and S. Tepikian
  • Femtosecond X-Ray Pulse Generation with a Compact Electron Storage Ring / H. Yamada
  • Storage Ring Working Group Report / S. Krinsky
  • Observation of Coherent Radiation from Sub-picosecond Electron Bunches / H. Wiedemann
  • Coherent Radiation Experiments at Tohoku University / T. Nakazato
  • Determination of Bunch Asymmetry from Coherent Radiation in the Frequency Domain / R. Lai and A. J. Sievers
  • Time-Domain Diagnostics in the Picosecond Regime / A. H. Lumpkin
  • Short Bunch Research at Brookhaven National Laboratory / E. B. Blum
  • Coherent Transition Radiation Produced by a 1.2-MeV Electron Beam / S. V. Benson, J. M. Dutta, C. R. Jones, H. Kosai and J. Swartz
  • Enhanced Coherent Undulator Radiation from Bunched Electron Beams / K. W. Berryman, E. R. Crosson, K. N. Ricci and T. I. Smith
  • Production of Ultrashort Particle Bunches and the Problem of a Relativistic Multilayer Mirror / E. G. Bessonov
  • Laser Diagnostics of Micro Bunches (Old Tricks, New Games) / J. L. Bobin
  • Observation of Coherent Undulator Radiation from Sub-Picosecond Electron Pulses / D. Bocek, M. Hernandez, P. Kung, H.-C. Lihn, C. Settakorn and H. Wiedemann
  • A Program to Research Emittance Growth in Bends / C. L. Bohn
  • A Technique for Measuring an Electron Beam's Longitudinal Phase Space with Sub-picosecond Resolution / E. R. Crosson, K. W. Berryman, B. A. Richman, T. I. Smith and R. L. Swent
  • Measurement of the Bunch Length at the TESLA Test Facility Linac / K. Hanke
  • Suppression and Enhancement of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation in the Presence of Conducting Boundaries / R. Kato, T. Nakazato, M. Oyamada, S. Urasawa, T. Yamakawa, M. Yoshioka, M. Ikezawa, K. Ishi, T. Kanai, Y. Shibata and T. Takahashi
  • Diagnostics for the CEBAF FEL Injector / D. Kehne, D. Engwall, K. Jordan, S. Benson, C. Bohn, L. Cardman, D. Douglas, U. Happek, G. A. Krafft, G. Neil and C. Sinclair
  • Shielding Effects on Coherent Synchrotron Radiation / S. A. Kheifets and B. Zotter
  • Measurement of Subpicosecond Electron bunch Lengths / H.-C. Lihn, D. Bocek, P. Kung, C. Settakorn and H. Wiedemann
  • Micro-Bunching Diagnostics for the ICA by Coherent Transition Radiation / Y. Liu, S. A. Bogacz, D. B. Cline, X. J. Wang, I. V. Pogorelsky and W. D. Kimura
  • Potential-Well Distortion in a Quasi-Isochronous Ring / S. Matsumoto
  • Production of Micro-Bunches by a Laser Wakefield in a Plasma and Its Application: X-Ray Generation / A. Ogata, K. Nakajima, H. Nakanishi and T. Kawakubo
  • Coherent Smith-Purcell Radiation in the Far-Infrared Region from a Short-Bunched Electron Beam / Y. Shibata, S. Hasebe, K. Ishi, T. Takahashi, M. Ikezawa, T. Nakazato, M. Oyamada, S. Urasawa, T. Yamakawa, K. Takami, T. Matsuyama, K. Kobayashi and Y. Fujita
  • Coherent Diffraction Radiation in the Millimeter and Submillimeter Wave Region / T. Takahashi
  • Generation and Application of a Subpicosecond High Brightness Electron Single Bunch at the S-Band Linear Accelerator / M. Uesaka, T. Kozawa, T. Kobayashi, T. Ueda and K. Miya
  • A Fast Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Monitor for the Bunch Length of the Short CEBAF Bunches / D. X. Wang, G. A. Krafft, E. Price, P. Wood, D. Porterfield and T. Crowe
  • Summary of Discussions in the Radiation Working Group / H. Wiedemann
  • Linear accelerator sources of micro bunches
  • Storage ring sources of micro bunches
  • Coherent radiation and micro bunch diagnostics