Table of Contents:
  • Introduction: Opinion, a neglected instrument, by Lester Markel
  • Foreign policy and opinion at home: Dark areas of ignorance, by Martin Kriesberg. The number one voice, by James Reston. The mirror called Congress, by Cabell Phillips. When the big guns speak, by H.W. Baldwin. More than diplomacy, by W.P. Davison
  • Foreign policy and opinion abroad: Chart of the cold war, by Shepard Stone. Voices of America, by W.P. Davison. Assignment for the press, by C.D. Jackson. Two vital case histories, by Arnaldo Cortesi and "0bserver."--Conclusion: Opportunity or disaster? By Lester Markel
  • Introduction: Opinion, a neglected instrument, by Lester Markel
  • Foreign policy and opinion at home: Dark areas of ignorance, by Martin Kriesberg. The number one voice, by James Reston. The mirror called Congress, by Cabell Phillips. When the big guns speak, by H.W. Baldwin. More than diplomacy, by W.P. Davison
  • Foreign policy and opinion abroad: Chart of the cold war, by Shepard Stone. Voices of America, by W.P. Davison. Assignment for the press, by C.D. Jackson. Two vital case histories, by Arnaldo Cortesi and "Observer."--Conclusion: Opportunity or disaster? By Lester Markel