The German mind of the nineteenth century : a literary historical anthology /

Collection of excerpts from the literature, philosophy, letters, diaries, and political and scientific writings of 19th century Germany

Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Glaser, Hermann
Format: Book
Published: New York : Continuum, �1981
Table of Contents:
  • Errors and confusions. Observing the world. Modern nervousness Civilized sexual morality and modern nervous illness / Sigmund Freud
  • Youth in Vienna / Arthur Schnitzler
  • Ecce homo. Why I am so wise / Friedrich Nietzsche
  • The notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge / Rainer Maria Rilke
  • Lightning train / Detlev von Liliencron
  • Errors, confusions / Theodor Fontane
  • Would there be something Id possibly miss? / Theodor Fontane.
  • Errors and confusions. Observing the world. Society seen from below Maria Magdalena ; Diaries / Friedrich Hebbel
  • This book belongs to the King / Bettina von Arnim
  • The Silesian weavers / Heinrich Heine
  • The Hessian courier / Georg B�uchner
  • Letter to Karl August Varnhagen von Ense / Heinrich Heine
  • My life / August Bebel
  • Song for the general league of German workers / Georg Herwegh
  • Some, of course / Hugo von Hofmannsthal
  • Worker! / Karl Otten.
  • Errors and confusions. Observing the world. The dark vision Man and woman go through the cancer barrack / Gottfried Benn
  • A letter / Hugo von Hofmannsthal
  • Letter to his father / Franz Kafka
  • The God of the city / Georg Heym
  • Worlds end / Jakob van Hoddis
  • Grodeck (second version) / Georg Trakl
  • Two poems / August Stramm
  • Letters from the field / Franz Marc.
  • Of horror and flourishing. Justifying the world. The chthonic Lenz / Georg B�uchner
  • Preface to Colored stones / Adalbert Stifter
  • Acherontic chill / Detlev von Liliencron
  • The world as will and representation / Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Journey to the equinoctial regions of the new continent / Alexander von Humboldt
  • Rock crystal / Adalbert Stifter
  • Four speeches on life and illness / Rudolph Virchow
  • Woyzeck / Georg B�uchner
  • Brains / Gottfried Benn.
  • Of horror and flourishing. Justifying the world. The panic aspect A note to my friends instead of a foreword. The life of Quintus Fixlein / Jean Paul
  • Memoirs / Karl Gutzkow
  • Half of life ; Evening fantasy / Friedrich H�olderlin
  • Letter to his brother Daniel / Philipp Otto Runge
  • The dream, a life / Franz Grillparzer
  • Kannietverstaan / Johann Peter Hebel
  • The world as will and representation / Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Goethes house on the Frauenplan in Weimar / Karl Immermann
  • Letter to Hartmuth Brinkmann / Theodor Storm
  • Annuals and letters to his son / Ludwig Richter
  • Village church in summer / Detlev von Liliencron
  • Elsewhere / Theodor Storm
  • A prayer for sleep / Detlev von Liliencron
  • Parerga and Paralipomena / Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Faust. Part two / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Mr. and Mrs. Knopp / Wilhelm Busch
  • The people of Seldwyla / Gottfried Keller
  • Travel images / Heinrich Heine
  • Sparrow Lane chronicle ; The skidderump / Wilhelm Raabe.
  • Titanism. Suspending the world. History is everything Lectures on the philosophy of world history / Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel
  • What is, and for what purpose does one study universal history / Friedrich Schiller
  • Campaign in France / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • The epigones / Karl Leberecht Immermann
  • Reflections on world history / Jacob Burckhardt
  • How the concept of progress is to be understood in history / Leopold von Ranke
  • Letter to J. Bloch / Friedrich Engels
  • Feuerbach / Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels.
  • Titanism. Suspending the world. Spirit, will, and idea Opening address of his lectures in Berlin, October 22, 1818 / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  • A contribution to the critique of Hegels philosophy of right / Karl Marx
  • The world as will and representation ; Parerga and Paralipomena / Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Goethes correspondence with a child / Bettina von Arnim
  • The Heiligenstadt testament / Ludwig van Beethoven.
  • Titanism. Suspending the world. The civil state Statement of November 24, 1808, upon his dismissal / Baron Carl von Stein
  • Song of the Germans ; Hyperion, or The hermit / Friedrich H�olderlin
  • Night thoughts ; Germany, a winters tale / Heinrich Heine
  • My dismissal / Jakob Grimm
  • Recollections of the year 1848 / Fanny Lewald
  • On the use of the railway / Friedrich List.
  • Withdrawal. Dreaming the world. Appollonian Dionysian Primal orphic words / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Hyperions fate song / Friedrich H�olderlin
  • Fragments of an autobiography / Wilhelm von Humboldt
  • Iphigenia in Tauris / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • A legacy / Anselm Feuerbach
  • Ithaca, the Peloponnese, and Troy / Heinrich Schliemann
  • N�anie / Friedrich Schiller
  • The Roman fountain / Conrad Ferdinand Meyer
  • Archaic torso of Apollo / Rainer Maria Rilke
  • Transport / Stefan George
  • The marble image / Joseph von Eichendorff
  • The birth of tragedy (or, Hellenism and pessimism) / Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Tristan / Thomas Mann.
  • Withdrawal. Dreaming the world. The earthly paradise On the aesthetic education of man, in a series of letters / Friedrich Schiller
  • On the marionette theater / Heinrich von Kleist
  • Memoirs of a good-for-nothing / Joseph von Eichendorff
  • Betrothal letters / Wilhelm and Karoline von Humboldt
  • Indian summer / Adalbert Stifter
  • Wilhelm Meisters years of wandering / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
  • Withdrawal. Dreaming the world. Thoughts of the night Hymns to the night / Novalis
  • Moonlit night / Joseph von Eichendorff
  • At midnight / Eduard M�orike
  • O death, it is the chill of night / Heinrich Heine
  • A night awake / Annette von Droste-H�ulshoff
  • The nightwatches of Bonaventura
  • Flower, fruit and thorn arrangements, or Married life, death and wedding of the public defender F. St. Siebenk�as / Jean Paul
  • Heinrich von Ofterdingen / Novalis.