Modern Greek poetry

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Friar, Kimon (Compiler)
Format: Book
Published: New York : Simon and Schuster, [1973]
New York : Simon and Schuster c1973
New York, [1973]
New York : [1973]
Table of Contents:
  • Age of blue memory ; Marina of the rocks ; The mad pomegranate tree ; Melancholy of the Aegean ; Shape of Boeotia ; Body of summer ; Drinking the Corinthian sun ; Half-sunken boats ; This wind that loiters ; Child with the skinned knee ; from Heroic and elegiac song for the lost Second Lieutenant of the Albanian Campaign ; Sleep of the valiant, I ; Sleep of the valiant, II ; Laconic ; The autopsy ; from Áxion Estí ; Genesis III ; Genesis V ; Psalm I ; Psalm II ; Ode 5 ; Ode 7 ; Ode 11 ; VI prophetic ; Psalm XVIII ; from Gloria / Odysseus Elytis, 1911-
  • Death and the knight (1513) ; Amorghós ; Old-fashioned ballad (to George Seféris) / Nikos Gatsos, 1911-
  • Elegy of flowering fire ; Elegy on the tomb of a young warrior ; Boy with harmonica ; The morning skylark ; Without you the pigeons ; Sunset ; The orange trees of Sparta ; Sleep ; The flowering dogwood ; Return from Delphi ; Saying farewell ; The cleanest thing in creation ; Drunken man with carnation ; To a friend ; The other morning / Nikiphoros Vrettakos, 1912-
  • On translation
  • I. General observations
  • II. On translating from the modern Greek
  • III. On craft
  • Biographies, bibliographies, notes
  • A select general bibliography
  • Acknowledgments
  • Index of poems and poets
  • Aphrodite ; The chosen one ; Orestes ; Alcibiades ; Magdalene ; The leader ; Jungle ; One-all ; Lamentation of the enslaved ; My sun ; The 4 mistakes of "the unknown soldier" ; Catechism / Kostas Varnalis, 1884-
  • Sparta ; The virgin of Sparta ; Pan (to George Haritákis) ; Pentarkis ; Anadyomene (to Mrs. Líla Karandinós) ; The mother of Dante (to George Theotokás) ; Thaleró ; The sacred road ; The suicide of Atzesiváno (to Kóstas Tsátsos) ; Rehearsal for death ; "Haute Actualité" (to George Katsímbalis) ; Unrecorded ; Greek supper for the dead ; Attic (to Pandelís Prevelákis) ; The supreme lesson (to Ánna Sikelianós) / Angelos Sikelianos, 1884-1951
  • Edward VI ; Prayer to God for all who are unhappy ; Fontaine de Medicis ; I shall die one day on a mournful autumn twilight ; Nel Mezzo del Cammin... ; Aquarelle ; The living dead ; Park in autumn ; Vita Nuova ; Girl thirteen years old ; Supplication to my guardian angel ; Starting point ; Stop sending now ; The dark well / Kostas Ouranis, 1890-1953
  • Before the advent ; To a young girl brought up in a nunnery ; Beata Beatrix ; A Monday of the year ; Rape of the Sabines ; The unlooked-for theme ; Summer tourists go to mass ; The stone ; Outline of error ; The sluggish of mind ; The Dependence ; Adage ; Encounter ; Invocation of images ; Myth ; The inns ; The old man's log of wood ; The island ; I sing the wrath... ; The bonfires of Saint John ; This cup ; Crossways ; In the key of Resurrection ; The thread ; Self-scrutiny ; Attic shapes ; Ode to Aquarius (to Eva) / Takis Papatsonis, 1895-
  • Ballade to the inglorious poets of the ages ; Athens ; Strophes ; Only ; I saw this night ; Mercenary work... ; We are like certain rickety guitars ; March funereal and vertical ; Ideal suicides ; Optimism ; When we descend the stairs? ; Préveza / Kostas Kariotakis, 1896-1928
  • from Myth of our history ; In the manner of G.S. (aboard the Avlís, waiting to sail) ; A word for summer ; Epiphany, 1937 ; Interlude of joy (Mr. Pendéli) ; Our sun ; The king of Asine ; Last stop ; Helen ; Enkomi / George Seferis, 1900-1971
  • The king of voyages ; Hellenic Earth ; Rhapsody to the Aegean Sea ; Flowers do not ask questions ; Desolation ; Traversing ; Playing at cards ; The body ; from De Rerum Natura ; Spaciousness ; Hymeneal / George Themelis, 1900-
  • Poet ; Presences ; Worker in the workshops of time ; The procession of poets ; Youth in a time of difficulty ; Desires ; Matutinal ; Kiss of silence ; Man, feminine gender ; Adolescent from Anticythera ; Persephone / Zoe Karelli, 1901-
  • Introduction
  • I. The historical background
  • II. Language and liteature
  • III. The schools
  • The old school of Athens
  • The school of the Ionian Islands
  • The new shool of Athens
  • IV. Forerunners and traditionalists
  • Constantine Caváfis
  • Ángelos Sikelianós
  • Níkos Kazantzákis
  • Kóstas Várnalis
  • Kóstas Ouránis
  • Kóstas Kariotákis
  • Tákis Papatsónis
  • V. Traditions and transitions
  • Alexander Báras
  • Alexander Mátsas
  • Níkos Kavadhías
  • D.I. Antoníou
  • I.M. Panayotópoulos
  • Pandelís Prevelákis
  • George Sarandáris
  • Andréas Karandónis
  • VI. The turning point and the surrealists
  • George Seféris
  • Nícolas Cálas
  • Andréas Embirícos
  • Níkos Engonópoulos
  • Níkos Gátsos
  • Odysseus Elýtis
  • VII. The social poets
  • Yánnis Rítsos
  • Níkos Pappás
  • Ríta Boúmi-Pappás
  • Nikiphóros Vrettákos
  • VIII. Religious and existentialist modes
  • Melissánthi
  • Zoë Karélli
  • Níkos Ghavriíl Pendzíkis
  • George Thémelis
  • G.T. Vafópoulos
  • IX. A few observations
  • Light on a whale ; Winter grapes ; Legendary sofa ; Spindle of nocturnal repose ; Concatenation ; Daybreak ; The eyelid ; Spring as always ; Orion (to Odysseus Elýtis) ; Moment of Porphyry ; The caryatids ; The resplendence ; The advantage of a young girl is the joy of her husband ; Augmentation ; Crankshaft strophes (to Leonídhas Embiríkos) ; The Euphrates ; The words ; In the street of the Philhellenes (to Conrad Russell Rooks) ; The seasons ; The great bleating or pan
  • Jesus Christ (to Kimon Friar) / Andreas Embiricos, 1901-
  • Eumenides ; Apology of the small faun ; from The frozen moon ; Sunday of the Aegean ; Helen ; The nightmare ; from The world's window / I.M. Panayotopoulos, 1901-
  • Return to the Satyrs ; The floor ; Apartment house ; The mask ; The night ; The statues ; Time and the fish ; The frontier ; Dead youth ; The Mikado and the widow ; Admonitions ; Taste of death / G.T. Vafopoulos, 1903-
  • For a group of America poets ; Because of this poetry ; Of what use to me are your verses? ; Emmet Till ; Aghlaía Anthemiádhou ; Demolition / Nikos Pappas, 1906-
  • The oxcart ; If I go out walking with my dead friends ; Thank you, father ; Data for an identification card ; The crow (to Joseph Stalin) ; The juggler / Rita Boumi-Pappas, 1906-
  • Mal du Départ (for my sister Zénia) ; A knife ; A Negro stoker from Djibouti (to I. Pikraménos) ; William George Alum ; A midshipman on the bridge in an hour of peril (to Kóstas Loúndhras) ; Marabou ; Fog (to Eléni Halkoúsi) ; Armada (to Kóstas Várnalis) / Nikos Kavadhias, 1910-
  • Old horoscopes ; A man ; A lady ; At Gálvarna ; A sea (to Theodore Roússos) ; Availability ; Photogenic streets ; Horse breeders / Andreas Karandonis, 1910-
  • Autumn ; Atonement ; Summer hours ; The land of silence ; Ancient shipwrecked cities ; The circle of hours ; Alibi ; At the registrar's ; The dam of silence / Melissanthi, 1910-
  • Of sleep ; Midday contemplation at Delos ; Sleep at Delos ; Aubade ; The seduction ; Awakening ; The tree ; The reunion ; Landscape ; Anthropos ; The homecoming ; Psyche's adventure ; diver / Alexander Matsas, 1910-1969
  • Eleonora ; Ten and four themes for a painting ; The hýdra of birds (for Raymond Roussèl) ; Bolívar, a Greek poem ; The apprentice of sorrow ; Souvenir on Constantinople (for L.N.) ; The last appearance of Judas Iscariot ; The golden plateaus ; Poetry 1948 ; Mercurius Bouas ; News about the death of the Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca ; On Boeotian roads (to Ríkos Papaïoánnou) / Nikos Engonopoulos, 1910-
  • Modern Greek poets : translations
  • Candles ; The pawn ; The city ; The first step ; Waiting for the Barbarians ; One of their Gods ; Interruption ; Thermopylae ; Artificial flowers ; Perfidy ; He swears ; Philhellene ; Antony's end ; One night ; Hidden ; Ithaca ; The God forsakes Antony ; The dangers ; Alexandrian kings ; On the street ; Understanding ; Its beginning ; Theodotos ; In a town of Osroëne ; The tomb of Lanes ; Morning sea ; Darius ; The afternoon sun ; The bandaged shoulder ; From the school of the renowned philosopher ; Of colored glass ; In a township of Asia Minor ; Amid the taverns ; Sophist leaving Syria ; Two young men, 23 to 25 years of age ; Kimon, song of Learchos, aged 22, student of Greek literature (in Cyrene) ; Days of 1909, '10, and '11 ; Myres : Alexandria, A.D. 340 ; They should have provided ; In 200 B.C. ; On the outskirts of Antioch / Constantine Cavafis, 1863-1933
  • from The saviors of God : spiritual exercises (to Pandelís Prevelákis) ; from The Odyssey : a modern sequel (to Miss Joe MacLeod) ; Prologue ; The seven heads of God ; Death dreams of life ; Egyptian night ; The ruthless God ; Odysseus blesses his life ; The six waves of worms ; To virtue ; Epitaph for Odysseus ; The death of Odysseus ; Epilogue ; Nietzsche (to Helmut von den Steinen) ; Buddha (to Mihális Anastasíou) / Nikos Kazantzakis, 1883-1957
  • O tell me if you no longer believe in phantoms ; Why should we deny it? ; Let's still sail on like this ; Tonight you remembered the beginning ; To the cold imagination ; To conquer this blank paper! ; The bad merchants ; This night above the fragmented surface ; Libation at sea ; from The Indies ; What did you want, I wonder ; The sleep of solitude is a half death ; He stood before the mirror ; A hunted moon was caught ; This meager grass / D.I. Antoniou, 1906-
  • The Cleopatra, the Semiramis, and the Theodora ; The Asiatics Pass ; South American democracies ; Centaur ; Back country ; I make the "first" moon rise ; Magnolias ; Ethiopians in view ; The unattainable / Alexander Baras, 1906-
  • Bride ; What lies? ; We are not poets ; I write you verses ; In music ; Three poems of the sea ; I ; II ; III ; Again the sky here opens its gate ; Spring will commit murder ; With brutal hands ; I have seen eternity in the forest ; O flowers
  • mirrors of girls ; The flowers passed beyond sleep ; As it lay dying ; I have a need ; Time today flies quickly ; The beautiful mistress of rocks ; The hour was an image / George Sarandaris, 1907-1941
  • Warmth (dedicated to D.) ; Columns of the temple of Olympian Zeus ; Santoríni IV ; Athens 1933 ; With kisses ; Paradise ; Liracism ; Dhiyenís ; Sweet-kissing Aspasia ; Happy city ; A hero's mausoleum ; Xeno Dochium / Nicolas Calas, 1907-
  • The monk at the fountain ; Does it fly? Does it fly? ; Scattered leaves ; Seaside thoughts ; Constant company ; Documentary / Nikos Ghavriil Pendzikis, 1908-
  • Twilight entered my room ; When under the last verse ; As in an hour of drought the buffaloes ; With the consciousness ; I feel love to be a green ; In this upper Jerusalem ; I know with you those quiet hours ; Sacrifice ; Prayer for a young poet ; Barcarole ; The frontier ; Lost incorruptibility / Pandelis Prevelakis, 1909-
  • from Romiosíni ; Reformation ; Understanding ; Interchanges ; Necessary explanation ; Moonlight sonata ; Builders ; Abstracted painter ; Therapy ; Moment ; Conformity ; Honest confrontation ; For greater accuracy ; The bucket ; Misconstructions ; Ancient amphitheater ; A tree ; Stones ; Moment of reverence ; Plaster model ; Almost a conjuror ; Ascent ; The first sensual delight ; Reverse side ; The peacocks of Pyrilampes ; After the ritual ; Displacement ; Gradations ; Memorial services ; Whitewash ; The stairs / Yannis Ritsos, 1909-