Linux server hacks /

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Flickenger, Rob
Other Authors: Dougherty, Dale
Format: Book
Published: Beijing ; Sebastopol, Calif. : O'Reilly, c2003
Sebastopol, Calif. : c2003
Edition:1st ed
Table of Contents:
  • Server Basics
  • 1 Removing Unnecessary Services
  • 2. Forgoing the Console Login
  • 3. Common Boot Parameters
  • 4. Creating a Persistent Daemon with init
  • 5. n>&m: Swap Standard Output and Standard Error
  • 6. Building Complex Command Lines
  • 7. Working with Tricky Files in xargs
  • 8. Immutable Files in ext2/ext3
  • 9. Speeding Up Compiles
  • 10. At Home in Your Shell Environment
  • 11. Finding and Eliminating setuid/setgid Binaries
  • 12. Make sudo Work Harder
  • 13. Using a Makefile to Automate Admin Tasks
  • 14. Brute Forcing Your New Domain Name
  • 15. Playing Hunt the Disk Hog
  • 16. Fun with /proc
  • 17. Manipulating Processes Symbolically with procps
  • 18. Managing System Resources per Process
  • 19. Cleaning Up after Ex-Users
  • 20. Eliminating Unnecessary Drivers from the Kernel
  • 21. Using Large Amounts of RAM
  • 22. hdparm: Fine Tune IDE Drive Parameters
  • Revision Control
  • 23. Getting Started with RCS
  • 24. Checking Out a Previous Revision in RCS
  • 25. Tracking Changes with rcs2log
  • 26. Getting Started with CVS
  • 27. CVS: Checking Out a Module
  • 28. CVS: Updating Your Working Copy
  • 29. CVS: Using Tags
  • 30. CVS: Making Changes to a Module
  • 31. CVS: Merging Files
  • 32. CVS: Adding and Removing Files and Directories
  • 33. CVS: Branching Development
  • 34. CVS: Watching and Locking Files
  • 35. CVS: Keeping CVS Secure
  • 36. CVS: Anonymous Repositories
  • Backups
  • 37. Backing Up with tar over ssh
  • 38. Using rsync over ssh
  • 39. Archiving with Pax
  • 40. Backing Up Your Boot Sector
  • 41. Keeping Parts of Filesystems in sync with rsync
  • 42. Automated Snapshot-style Incremental Backups with rsync
  • 43. Working with ISOs and CDR/CDRWs
  • 44. Burning a CD Without Creating an ISO File
  • Networking
  • 45. Creating a Firewall from the Command Line of any Server
  • 46 Simple IP Masquerading
  • 47. iptables Tips & Tricks
  • 48. Forwarding TCP Ports to Arbitrary Machines
  • 49. Using Custom Chains in iptables
  • 50. Tunneling: IPIP Encapsulation
  • 51. Tunneling: GRE Encapsulation
  • 52. Using vtun over ssh to Circumvent NAT
  • 53. Automatic vtund.conf Generator
  • Monitoring
  • 54. Steering syslog
  • 55. Watching Jobs with watch
  • 56. What's Holding That Port Open?
  • 57. Checking On Open Files and Sockets with lsof
  • 58. Monitor System Resources with top
  • 59. Constant Load Average Display in the Titlebar
  • 60. Network Monitoring with ngrep
  • 61. Scanning Your Own Machines with nmap
  • 62. Disk Age Analysis
  • 63. Cheap IP Takeover
  • 64. Running ntop for Real-Time Network Stats
  • 65. Monitoring Web Traffic in Real Time with httptop
  • SSH
  • 66. Quick Logins with ssh Client Keys
  • 67. Turbo-mode ssh Logins
  • 68. Using ssh-Agent Effectively
  • 69. Running the ssh-Agent in a GUI
  • 70. X over ssh
  • 71. Forwarding Ports over ssh
  • Scripting
  • 72. Get Settled in Quickly with
  • 73. Global Search and Replace with Perl
  • 74. Mincing Your Data into Arbitrary Chunks (in bash)
  • 75. Colorized Log Analysis in Your Terminal
  • Information Servers
  • 76. Running BIND in a chroot Jail
  • 77. Views in BIND 9
  • 78. Setting Up Caching DNS with Authority for Local Domains
  • 79. Distributing Server Load with Round-Robin DNS
  • 80. Running Your Own Top-Level Domain
  • 81. Monitoring MySQL Health with mtop
  • 82. Setting Up Replication in MySQL
  • 83. Restoring a Single Table from a Large MySQL Dump
  • 84. MySQL Server Tuning
  • 85. Using proftpd with a mysql Authentication Source
  • 86. Optimizing glibc, linuxthreads, and the Kernel for a Super MySQL Server
  • 87. Apache Toolbox
  • 88. Display the Full Filename in Indexes
  • 89. Quick Configuration Changes with lfDefine
  • 90 Simplistic Ad Referral Tracking
  • 91. Mimicking FTP Servers with Apache
  • 92. Rotate and compress Apache Server Logs
  • 93. Generating an SSL cert and Certificate Signing Request
  • 94. Creating Your Own CA
  • 95. Distributing Your CA to Client Browsers
  • 96. Serving multiple sites with the same DocumentRoot
  • 97. Delivering Content Based on the Query String Using mod_rewrite
  • 98. Using mod_proxy on Apache for Speed
  • 99. Distributing Load with Apache RewriteMap
  • 100. Ultrahosting: Mass Web Site Hosting with Wildcards, Proxy, and Rewrite.